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DAT-201 Map Project
module learning objectives
  • TR.201.DS.9.E - Clients - Feedback presentations

Map Mini-Project Specification

Pieces we expect to see in your presentation for the mapping project:
  • A question.
  • A fully-baked map layout.
  • A high-level description of the steps you took. (Scale this for a general client, not for an audience of data analysts.)
  • Data-backed claim (or claims) that address your question. Maybe they don't answer it fully, and that's OK, but if there is more question left after your claims, a brief plan about how to answer those would be good to include.
Pieces you'll need to turn in digitally:
  • Your processing log, which should be sufficiently detailed that we could hand it to one of your classmates and ask them to create the same map you turned in. (We might actually do this.)
  • A PDF copy of your map layout.
  • Citations of all of your data sources (this can be part of the processing log document—and may have to be, for more complicated-to-get-to pieces of data, like ACS sheets).