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DAT-102 describing data summary stats: mean, sd

wb_incandescentInterpreting box plots

  1. Dedicate a few minutes to studying the scoring report--dated 1983!--created by a career analytics company called Interpretive Scoring Systems. Notice what your eye is frist drawn to?
  2. Note, in particular, how each Basic Interest Scale fow in the lower left contains a scale, a "STD SCR" "COMMENT" and "SCALE SCORE". Study the relationship between the categories used in the COMMENT column and the position of Ida Mae's representative star on the box plot. Summarize your findings in question 1.
  3. Although Ida Mae is no longer alive, provide a recommended career path for her in Q2.
  4. The score report contains heavily gendered feedback to the respondent. Study the gender differences evident in the data for various careers. Consider the "direction" of the gaps, and the size of the gaps. Reflect in Q3.

Q1-Interpreting COMMENT field values: Create a table whose first column contains each unique value in COMMENT and second column is called "definition". After generating the range of uniqye values, write in the "definition" column where in the box-and-whisker chart the stars seem to be located to produce that particular value. Use the terms: lower fence, 1st, median, 3rd quartiles, and upper fence somewhere in your table.

Q2-Best-fit profession: Synthesize the dat in Ida Mae's charts to arrive at a rank-ordered list of most promising careers for her to consider. Use specific numeric relationships described in the table or generated yourself to support your claims.

Q3-Gender disparities? Which top TWO gender-related differences in career "fit" described in the report do you think have changed since the creation of this tool in the early '80s? Defend your response with data.

Drawing conclusions from our class strip data:

Q1: When we chopped the data with the slicer to generate two separate groups, which questions do you believe generated stastically significant differences between slicer groups? Use data to support your answer.

Q2: Which spectrum questions do you have the most confidence in using to draw a conclusion about the opinions of students in this class? Which ones are you least confident in? Why? Use Data/